Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Leadership in Human Resource Management

How do an organization become a leader in the Human resources management. How do organizations become a great place to work with. If you do analyze the top ranked organizations in the survey for Great places to work with, there are certain common policies followed by the human resource leadership.

Diversity - If the employees of an organization are from diverse background, it results in cultural sensitivity, empathy and also varied views and opinions. Human resource leadership has to develop the recruitment policy accordingly.

Work-Life Balance- Organizations who are sensitive to work life balance makes the employees happy. After all an employee has some duty, responsibility towards his/her family and friends.  Senior Leadership has a role to play here by seeing to that employees are not overburdened.

Adaptability and Flexibility- An organization who offers flexibility and adaptability to the employees shows that it cares for its employees. The Human Resource Management has to make the policies to offer these adaptability and flexibility.

Gender Sensitivity and Equality-Organizations where there is no gender bias and the organization is an equal opportunity employer are always preferred employers.